The MyFIT program will provide teachers and students with the opportunity to use physical computing devices for a more hands-on approach to gaining ICT and digital skills.

Program Description 

Teachers and students in grades 6-8 will participate in a hands-on, device-based, learning experience and program. Through this learning path, teachers and students will have the opportunity to use CyberPi – a single-board computer fully packed with advanced electronic sensors, actuators, and communication modules – to learn about programming. CyberPi is used to teach Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Networks, the Internet of Things and more while supporting Block-based coding language and the text-based programming language Python in an easy-to-use platform. The MyFIT program is broken up into cohorts where teachers will gain access to 5-10 hours of teaching content, a classroom set of technology, training, ongoing community support and more. Upon completion of the program, students will receive MyFIT certification that gives them industry-recognized credentials to be used in future education and the workforce.

Program Learning Objectives of the MyFIT Program

By the end of the program, educators and students will be able to:

– Learn how to program a single-board computer called CyberPi through block-based or Python Programming
– Learn how to program and use the various sensors on the CyberPi to complete different projects and apply the technology to everyday scenarios.
– Learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Science can be used along with commonly used electronic modules, accessories and tools to expand their understanding of technology and help build future-ready skills. 

MyFIT Program Benefits:

1. You will receive a FREE classroom set of technology devices (CyberPi) that can be used for this program and beyond.
2. You will gain access to CyberPi content aligned to provincial curriculum standards to deliver in your classroom.
3. You will receive training and ongoing community support on how to use the CyberPi device in your classroom. 
4. You will receive MyFIT certification at the end of the program, which gives students industry-recognized credentials to be used in future education and the workforce.