CSEW 2023 – Week 2

December 11 — 11:00am EST

FTC SIM Part 2: Bringing A Rover’s Story to Life

Setup Instructions

Please create a teacher account at https://ftcsim.org/educators/ prior to joining the co-taught lesson with your students.

December 11 — 3:00pm EST

Explore Electrical Circuits with Tinkercad Coding Simulator

Setup Instructions

Please create a teacher account at https://www.tinkercad.com/ prior to joining the co-taught lesson with your students.

December 12 — 1:00pm EST

Coding and Hip-Hop Collide: Build Hip-Hop Beats with Google Canada and Python Coding

Setup Instructions

No setup required for this lesson.

December 13 — 1:00pm EST

Makecode Arcade: Video Game Design Co-Taught Lesson

Setup Instructions

No setup required for this lesson.

December 14 — 11:00am EST

Reporting 101: Misinformation – A CBC Kids News Minecraft Education Lesson

Setup Instructions

Students will need access to Minecraft Education accounts, access to the internet, and have Minecraft Education installed on their device.

Students will need access to Minecraft Education accounts, access to the internet, and have Minecraft Education installed on their device.

NOTE:  This Minecraft world in NOT available inside the game.  Students will be required to download the world from here.  Our on-screen facilitators will walk through this process, but it is recommended that this is done before the lesson to ensure that students don’t fall behind during the broadcast. 

Shortlink to the world file:  bit.ly/cbcworld


December 14 — 1:00pm EST

AI and Coding in Scratch

Setup Instructions

No setup required for this lesson.

Thank you to FIRST Canada and CBC Kids News for making these lessons free to New Brunswick classrooms!